Dallas Cowboys Distribution Center

2500 Regent Boulevard, Irving, TX 75063

Property Overview

KBS REIT II was able to capitalize on this investment by acquiring a brand new state-of-the art facility at a time when there were not as many buyers in the market for this product type. The highly efficient building, the outstanding tenant and the fact that the property is located in a foreign trade (duty free) zone, made it a very desirable investment.

Given the great condition the property was in at acquisition, KBS REIT II invested very little capital into the property during the hold period, which contributed to the success of the investment. KBS REIT II was able to sell the property for $22.3 million.

Investment at a Glance

Location: San Jose, CA

Property Type: Industrial

Acquisition Date: July 8, 2010

Purchase Price: $19,000,000

Sale Date: June 11, 2014

Sale Price: $22,250,000

No. of Buildings: 1

No. of Stories: 2

Square Footage: 142,700 SF

Leased Percentage (at the time of Acquisition): 100%

$19,000,000 Total Purchase Price
142,700 square feet Total Rentable Area
Industrial Property Type